Brains on the Outside: A Business Ideas Podcast
This is Brains on the Outside, a show about ridiculous business ideas. Every Monday, Alex and Andrew solve real businesses' real problems in the most ridiculous ways.
Brains on the Outside: A Business Ideas Podcast
How to Cure Hayfever
Hayfever sucks. It's nothing like nightfever or that fever that you can only cure with more cowbell. It just stinks. You feel terrible but you're not actually ill and you don't have an actual fever and nobody really feels that sorry for you. It's the worst.
After an email from a very sniffly listener, Alex and Andrew decided to tackle this problem head on. Have a listen and see whether shrink wrapping yourself or moving to Arrakis or one of the many, many other innovative ideas our creative duo kick out Is your favourite.
Thank you Sam for sending in such a sneeze-inducing problem. If you have a problem (not related to hayfever) you want us to solve with an innovative business then please drop us a line at brainsontheoutside@gmail.com
Keep your Brains on the Outside! xoxo