Brains on the Outside: A Business Ideas Podcast
This is Brains on the Outside, a show about ridiculous business ideas. Every Monday, Alex and Andrew solve real businesses' real problems in the most ridiculous ways.
Brains on the Outside: A Business Ideas Podcast
How to Find Your Glasses
Alex and Andrew
Season 1
Episode 73
Losing your glasses robs you of the thing you really need to find your glasses - your ability to see. So far, even after thousands of years of glasses development, there is no solution to this problem. Can Andrew and Alex pitch a business that will change that?
Thank you Jasmine for sending in such a optometristy problem. If you have a problem (not related to glasses) you want us to solve with an innovative business then please drop us a line at brainsontheoutside@gmail.com
Keep your Brains on the Outside! xoxo