Brains on the Outside: A Business Ideas Podcast
This is Brains on the Outside, a show about ridiculous business ideas. Every Monday, Alex and Andrew solve real businesses' real problems in the most ridiculous ways.
Brains on the Outside: A Business Ideas Podcast
July: The Month vs. the Luggage Company
July make luggage. Beautiful, useful, perfect luggage. They've got a big problem though - they decided to name themselves after the month of July and now, well, they've got all sorts of SEO and searchability problems. When their customers tell their friends about July their friends think they're talking about the month. When you're standing in the airport having lost your luggage and the airport official asks what brand it is and you say "July" and they say "no, I didn't ask when you're travelling, I asked what brand your luggage is" it's inconvenient. It's an issue. They've written to ask us whether we can help them out.
Some of our ideas: Defeat Julius Caesar, rename the month to Bluey, gaslight everyone into thinking that the month is pronounced Julie, change the names of ALL the months.
Thank you Athan (pronounced like Nathan), who is the CEO at July, for getting in touch with us. Dear listener, how would you solve her problem? Email us at: brainsontheoutside@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brainsontheoutside/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brainsontheoutside
Thank you to Rich Endersby-Marsh for our theme music: https://soundcloud.com/rich-marsh
Keep your brains on the outside! xo